Saturday, July 20, 2024

Big Ivy Hike

Saturday I left for the mountains for a week of waterfall chasing.  I left real early, getting to Asheville around sunrise and then heading into the Big Ivy/Coleman Boundary Area of Pisgah National Forest.  Right in the forest, I turned on FR-231 and drove to the end at Walker Creek Trailhead (#165).  Hiking up along Walker Branch, it crossed some nice cascades.

Then I got on Staire Creek Trail (183) and continued heading up along Staire Branch past some rocky cliffs.

There were some nice cascades along the trail as it headed though a rocky gorge.  After this point, it got pretty steep going up.  

There was an interesting rockhouse just off the trail with a stone wall and chairs.

The trail ended at FR-74 and I crossed and got on Bear Pen Trail (#176).  The first part of the trail was moderate and open, but as I got further up, the trail got steeper and more overgrown.  

As I got higher up, I started seeing more and more wildflowers.

The trail ended at Laurel Gap Trail, which was completely overgrown with the wildflowers.  

I don't think I've ever seen so many bee balm, coneflower and lilies in one place. 

It was really beautiful.  But it also sucked hiking through.  As it had rained overnight, the flowers were wet and soon I was completely soaked from practically bushwhacking down the trail.

I tried to focus on how beautiful all the flowers were and not how unpleasant the hike was.

When I made it to the road, I decided to not take this trail back.  Once was more than enough

There were more wildflowers along the road, but nothing like I had seen on Laurel Gap Trail.

And with the recent rains, mushrooms were popping up.

I hiked down to the end of FR-74 and picked up Douglas Falls Trail.

Even with the rain, the water level was a little low, but Douglas Falls was looking nice.  I had lunch here and tried to dry out my clothes a bit.

Then I walked behind and around the waterfall to view it from different angles.

There's a small cave in the cliffs behind the falls.

There was another couple here enjoying the falls as we talked about the area for a bit.

Hiking back, I took the road much of the way to avoid the overgrown trails.  Past Laurel Gap Trail, FR-74 Waterfall was right along the side of the road.

It's small, but rather pretty for a roadside.

I continued on past Staire Branch/Bear Den and then to Walker Creek/Perkins Trail.  I headed up along Perkins Trail (#175) for about a half-mile or so to where it crosses Walker Creek.

I thought Upper Walker Falls was here, but I couldn't find it.  I'll have to research this one more, but didn't feel like bushwhacking.  Then I headed back down to the road and continued to Walker Falls.

This is a pretty big roadside waterfall.

I scrambled down to the base, but I think the view from the road itself is best as you can see the upper sections.

Then I headed back to Walker Creek Trail and took that back down to the trailhead.

From here, I headed back to the highway and stopped for an early dinner at Mars Theatre Brewing Company.  Then I continued to Johnson City and checked into the Staybridge Suites.

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