Saturday, July 6, 2024

Dix Park Sunflowers 2024

Saturday, we took Harper to the sunflowers at Dorothea Dix Park for her first time.  It's been so hot this summer, we got there right around sunrise to beat the heat and crowds.

And it was still pretty warm and muggy at 6 in the morning, but the sunflowers were beautiful in the early morning light.

The sunflowers seemed shorter this year than when visiting the past, maybe because of the very dry June we had.

We weren't the only ones enjoying the sunflowers first thing in the morning.  Bees, butterflies and other pollinators were busy at work in the field.

We got some pictures of Harper with the flowers and made a loop around the field, but it was warming up quickly.

Sandy and Harper took off and I continued hiking for a while on the Capital Area Greenway.  I took Rocky Branch Trail to Walnut Creek Trail and made a partial loop with Centennial Campus Connector.  By 10, it was really hot and I was glad to get back to air conditioning.

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