Thursday, July 25, 2024

Rocky Fork Hike

Thursday, I headed to Lamar Alexander Rocky Fork State Park.  It was raining lightly when I arrived, but not too heavy.  I first hiked up Whitehouse Cliffs Trail.  It was pretty steep but only about a mile up to the top.

It was cloudy at the overlook, but not a complete whiteout, so the views were pretty cool.

But it was still raining and I didn't have the cover of the trees, so didn't linger too long.  Back at the trailhead, I got on Rocky Fork Trail and followed the creek upstream.

There were lots of nice cascades along the trail but it was raining so I didn't stop much for pictures.  I would have to come back down this way and was hoping the rain would have ended by then.  At the end of the trail, I went right on Whiteoak Flats Trail and continued heading up.

Less than a mile up, there was a really nice overlook of the Rocky Fork drainage.  At the end of this trail, I got on Birchfield Camp Trail.

This trail headed steeply up and up but the rain finally stopped.

Near the top, a spur led to the highest point in Tennessee State Parks, but there was no view and probably not worth the steep climb up.

So I hiked back down.  I went down Headwaters Trail to the end, passing near the upper portion of Rocky Fork.

Heading back down, the view was more open from the Whiteoak Flats Trail overlook.

Then I got on Flint Creek Trail and crossed Rocky Fork.

Just ahead was the Flint Creek Battle Site, where John Sevier battled the Cherokee.

I went a little further and then turned back.

There were some beebalm flowering along the creek.

I took Flint Creek Trail back to Rocky Fork Trail.

Since the rain had finally stopped, I stopped to see some of the numerous cascades on Rocky Fork on the hike back.

None were big enough to be a waterfall, but it was very scenic.

Back at the car, I made a quick stop on Rocky Fork Road.  Rocky Fork Falls, the only drop big enough to be a waterfall, was just along the side of the road.

I saw it on the drive in, but missed the the very limited parking on this narrow road.

I got some pictures then headed back as the sun was starting to poke out.

I drove back to Johnson City and had barbecue for dinner at Southern Craft and then headed back to the hotel

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