Friday, July 26, 2024

Sampson Mountain Hike

Friday, I headed to Horse Creek Recreation Area in Cherokee National Forest and parked where the pavement ended.  Hiking up the gravel road, a footbridge crossed Horse Creek and led into Sampson Mountain Wilderness.  There were two footbridges over Squibb Creek and then the first rock hop crossing next to an A-frame cabin in the woods.

Turkeypen Gap Trail and then Middle Spring Ridge Trail split off while I stayed on Squibb Creek Trail following the creek upstream.  There were numerous creek crossings but I was able to rock hop all of them.

A couple were a little difficult, but not too bad.

Finally, the trail ended at the base of Squibb Creek Falls.

The recent rains must have boosted the water level as it was looking very nice.

I really liked the mossy rocks around the base.

I took a break up here to enjoy the falls then started hiking back down.

There were flowers and mushrooms popping up along the creek.

Near the bottom, I got on Middle Spring Ridge Trail and started hiking up.  It was really steep and just kept going up and up.

In a little over a mile, the trail ended at Turkeypen Gap Trail and I took that back down to make a loop.

There were a few nice views from near the top, but not really worth the steep climb up.

The trail ended back at Squibb Creek and I took that back to the road.  Turning left on FR-94, the road shortly came to a ford and this one I could not rock hop.  Then there was another one in another half mile.  I had to wade again at the third but could rock hop and use a log to get across the fourth dry.  After this one, I got on Poplar Grove Trail to Pete's Branch Trail and followed its namesake up.  The trail ended at Pete's Branch Falls.

It's on a small creek, so probably a good thing I had to get wet at the fords.

With higher water, the waterfall split into two streams surrounded by massive cliffs.

I had lunch up here and then started heading back.

I was getting hungry so headed into downtown Johnson City for one more taco dinner at White Duck and then returned to the hotel to start getting packed up.

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