Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Dick Creek Waterfalls

Wednesday, I headed to Rock Creek Recreation Area in Cherokee National Forest to find some waterfalls.  After paying the day use fee and parking by the swimming area, I got on the Rock Creek Falls Trail.  The trail soon split with the other trails and headed into Unaka Mountains Wilderness.  Following Rock Creek upstream, there were several crossings though all were easy rock hops in low water.

After a mile and a half or so, a scramble path led down to Lower Rock Creek Falls.

It's not as impressive as the main waterfall, but the rock that the water flows over is very scenic

There was another nice cascade above here.

Soon, I came to Rock Creek Falls.

With two drops in a massive rock amphitheater, it's a really nice waterfall.

I had been here before, but the lighting was poor, so glad to get some nice shots.

After some pictures, I headed back down.  After leaving the wilderness, I got on Bicycle Trail to Rattlesnake Ridge Trail and took that one up.  The trail climbed up to Dick Creek Gap where I got on Dick Creek Trail heading down towards its namesake.  In about 3/4 mile, I had to rock hop Dick Creek and then turn right on another old road.  In less than half a mile, a well-worn path turned right and led to a campsite with a scramble path leading down to Lower Dick Creek Falls.

The first waterfall on the creek, it's only about 20 feet and looked really nice despite the low water.

The little pool at the base was really scenic.

I scrambled on the rocks to get some pictures and then headed back up.  The old road continued through an open area and then made another crossing of Dick Creek, which I could rock hop again.  There was a campsite fire ring after the crossing and I got off the road and followed a path to the left.  It headed up and followed the creek upstream.  Despite bushwhacking, it was quite easy as I stayed on the most obvious path that was closest to the creek.  In a quarter-mile or so, I came to Upper Dick Creek Falls.

It was tricky getting down to this one and I would bring a rope if I came back.  Unfortunately, the water level was low and this one was not looking as good as possible.

I will definitely have to come back.  I couldn't get back up the way I went down and had to find another way back up.  The faint path continued another 1/10 of a mile or so and ended at another crossing of Dick Creek.  A path to the right went to Upper Upper Dick Creek Falls, a very impressive 60-foot drop through a narrow cleft in the rock.

This one too really needed more water to look its best.

Back at the creek crossing, a super steep path headed up along the waterfall.  After climbing up a ways, the last part was through a narrow notch at the top of the cliff.  Someone had tied a rope, though I don't think it was necessary.  Past the notch, it was just 100 feet or so through a very overgrown path to Upper Upper Upper Dick Creek Falls.

It was about a 20-foot drop and looked pretty nice despite low water.

It was just above the previous waterfall.  From here, I started making my way back, it was all downhill back to Dick Creek Trail and then a gradual climb back up to the gap.  There was some Indian pipe flowering along the creek.

It was still pretty early so I hiked a ways up on Rattlesnake Ridge Trail back into the wilderness.

There were a couple spots on the trail with decent views but it would need to be winter for good views.

After a couple miles, I turned back and headed back to the start.  I had gotten pretty sweaty with all the climbing and bushwhacking so changed into a bathing suit and took a dip in the outdoor pool, which was basically Rock Creek diverted into a concrete pool.  The water sure felt good.

After changing back, I headed into Erwin and got dinner at Red Fork.  They had a map of Unicoi County on the wall with numerous waterfalls marked.  I took it as a personal challenge.  After dinner, I returned to the hotel.

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