Big Ivy-Coleman Boundary

The Big Ivy/Coleman Boundary in Pisgah National Forest is a pristine and ecologically rich area located in western North Carolina in Buncombe County. Encompassing over 13,000 acres, this region is renowned for its lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and diverse wildlife. The area features some of the oldest and most biodiverse forests in the Appalachian range, with a mix of old-growth and second-growth timber. The Big Ivy/Coleman Boundary is also a haven for botanists and nature enthusiasts, home to rare plant species and a variety of birdlife, making it a cherished gem within the Appalachian Ranger District of Pisgah National Forest.



Bear Pen Trail (#176)

Length: 1.5 miles
Blaze: Orange
Difficulty: Difficult

Bear Pen Trail starts at FR-74 across from Staire Creek Trail and heads up for 1.5 miles, ending at Laurel Gap Trail.

Douglas Falls Trail (#162)

Length: 2.7 miles (0.5 miles to Douglas Falls)
Blaze: White
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate

Douglas Falls Trail starts from the end of FR-74 and leads 1/2 mile to Douglas Falls.  After this point, it climbs up to the Blue Ridge Parkway at Craggy Gardens.

Laurel Gap Trail (#184)

Length: 7.0 miles
Blaze: None
Difficulty: Moderate

Laurel Gap Trail starts from along FR-74 and follows an old gated road, intersecting with Bear Pen, Perkins, Little Andy and Upper Corner Rock Trails to provide numerous loop opportunities.  The trail is somewhat overgrown, but has fantastic wildflowers in the summer.

Perkins Trail (#175)

Length: 1.2 miles
Blaze: Orange
Difficulty: Difficult

Perkins Trail starts along FR-74 across from Walker Creek Trail and heads up a ridge along Walker Branch, ending at Laurel Gap Trail.

Snowball Trail (#170)

Length: 3.0 miles
Blaze: White
Difficulty: Moderate

Snowball Trail starts from the Mountains-to-Sea Trail at Craggy Gardens and follows a ridgeline to the site of the Snowball Fire Tower, though the tower is no longer there.

Staire Creek Trail (#183)

Length:1.2 miles
Blaze: Orange
Difficulty: Difficult

Staire Creek Trail splits off from Walker Creek Trail and follows Staire Branch upstream past large boulders and scenic cascades, ending at FR-74 across from Bear Pen Trail.

Walker Creek Trail (#165)

Length: 1.8 miles
Blaze: Orange
Difficulty: Difficult

Walker Creek Trail starts from a trailhead on FR-231 and follows Walker Branch upstream.  Staire Creek Trail splits shortly after the start.  The trail climbs steeply up a ridge above Walker Branch and ends at FR-74 across from Perkins Trail.

Points of Interest:

Douglas Falls

Douglas Falls is a 70-foot waterfall tumbling over a tall cliff.

FR-74 Waterfall

FR-74 Waterfall is a 10-foot roadside waterfall about 6 miles down Big Ivy Road.

Walker Falls

Walker Falls is a 40-foot roadside waterfall along FR-74.


White bergamot (Monarda clinopodia)

Crimson beebalm (Monarda didyma)

Red columbine (Aquilegia canadensis)

Flame azalea (Rhododendron calendulaceum)

Carolina lily (Lilium michauxii)

Cutleaf coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata)

Common evening primrose (Oenothera biennis)

Red turtlehead (Chelone obliqua)

Wild bergamot (Monarda fistulosa)

American Caesar's mushroom (Amanita jacksonii)

Berkeley's polypore (Bondarzewia berkeleyi)

Pipevine swallowtail (Battus philenor)

Blog Entries:

20-Jul-2024: Big Ivy Hike

03-Aug-2012: Turf Part 1

External Links:

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