Saturday, April 25, 2020

Osprey at Blue Jay Point

Saturday, we took Alex for a hike along Falls Lake Trail at Blue Jay Point County Park.  We parked along Six Forks Road at Upper Barton Creek and hiked into the park.  It was a late spring day, but there were still some good wildflowers to see along the trail.

There was one lone atamasco lily and a few jack-in-the-pulpits.

We came to a parking lot where a sign indicated distances along the Mountains-to-Sea Trail.

Past here, some mountain laurel were blooming.

When we got to the old road going out to Blue Jay Point, we headed down there.  A double-crested cormorant could be seen in the distance.

And there was a great blue heron near the small island.

At the point, a nesting pair of ospreys had build a nest in a tree.  We spotted both of them flying around, one brought back some branches to repair the nest and the other had half a fish in his talons.

We watched the ospreys for a while and then continued on.  We went a ways on Section 5 of Falls Lake Trail and then turned back.

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