Sunday, April 26, 2020

Confluence Wildflowers

Sunday, we took Alex for a short social distancing hike.  With most parks closing, the Eno River Association expanded the hours at their Confluence Natural Area and implemented one-way hiking to promote social distancing while out in nature.  We arrived at 8 and only 2 other cars were here.  It was foggy this morning but no rain.  Hiking the Two Forks Trail, we came to a break in the woods at the north end of the big meadow.

Then the trail headed back into the woods.  There were a lot of jack in the pulpits blooming.  I don't think I've ever seen so many.

A good number of wild geraniums were also blooming.

There were a few spots to go out to East Fork Eno River; it was flowing well from recent rains.

Soon we came to the confluence, where East and West Forks come together to form the Eno River.

Continuing on, the trail followed West Fork upstream.

There were several spots to get out on the creek as well.

The loop finished up and we took Shepperd Mill Trail.

We finished up back at the parking lot as a few more cars were arriving.  But we managed the entire hike without seeing anyone else on the trail.

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