Saturday, April 4, 2020

Horton Grove Wildflowers

Saturday, I went for a hike wildflower hike at Horton Grove Nature Preserve.  Fortunately, Triangle Land Conservancy preserves are still open for hiking.  Parking at the main area of Jock Road, there were only two other cars when I arrived at around 8.  I first set off on Holman Loop Trail.

This trail makes a loop through a grassy area where prescribed burns support the meadow.  A gazebo along the trail makes a nice overlook.

From here, I took Hart Trail into the woods and started seeing a lot of wildflowers.

A number of dwarf crested irises were blooming, one of my favorites.

At the end of this trail, I took the Justice Loop Trail where more wildflowers were blooming.

The trail follows a ridge above the gravel Jock Road then descends.  I crossed the street and took Walker Trail to Jordan Trail.  Some painted buckeyes were flowering along the trail.

At the Great Barn, I crossed the street again to pick up Sowell Trail out to an old farm pond.

It was really scenic and I stopped for a break here.  After hiking around the pond, I got back on Jordan Trail to head back.

Walker Trail led back towards the parking area and I did a quick trip around the Peaks Loop.

By the time I got back to the parking, there were several more cars here, but overall it was not crowded at all on the trails.

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