Sunday, February 7, 2021

Rainy Hikes in Hillsborough

Sunday, we took Alex for a couple hikes in Hillsborough on a rainy morning.  Our first stop was Seven Mile Creek Natural Area, an Orange County park just outside Hillsborough.  It rained most of the drive out but was just a drizzle by the time we arrived.  We followed the main loop trail and then a short detour on the overlook trail.

The creek was very swollen with all the rain.

Back on the main trail, there was another spot to go down to Sevenmile Creek.

As the trail looped around, we took the Northern Forest Trail.

Finishing this loop up, we headed back to the car.

Our next stop was at Gold Park in Hillsborough for a hike on the Riverwalk.  Alex could get another MST 40 Hike following the Riverwalk to Historic Oconeechee Speedway as well as a stamp for BING-ENO.

The trail followed Eno River under a railroad and towards downtown Hillsborough.

In under 2 miles, it left the Riverwalk and headed towards Historic Occoneechee Speedway.  We stayed on Mountains-to-Sea Trail into James M Johnston Nature Preserve.

The trail ended at US-70 and we weren't going to hike along the road, so this was our turnaround point.  There was a nice cascade on a tributary of Eno here.

On the hike back, we made a loop around the Historic Occoneechee Speedway Trail.

The grandstand, flag stand and several old cars were along the trail.

The hike was under a mile, but lots to look at and very enjoyable.

After the loop, we followed MST back to Hillsborough.

The clouds began to clear and there was a little blue sky as we finished our hike.  But more people were showing up on the trail so a good time to quit.

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