Monday, February 15, 2021

Rattlesnake Lodge MST Hike

Monday morning, we checked out of the hotel early and headed to Craven Gap on Tower Mountain Road.  The Blue Ridge Parkway was closed here, but we could access it on foot from the parking at Craven Gap.

From the parking area, we picked up the Mountains-to-Sea Trail heading east, towards Rattlesnake Lodge.  This would be Alex's 9th hike for #MST40Hike - hike 6.

It was a dreary day, but the rain mostly held off, though everything was soaked.

There would be no sweeping views due to the fog, but it made for a nice atmosphere hiking through the clouds.

The trail passed by some great rock outcrops.

After passing Bull Gap, the trail ascended via some tight switchbacks.

It was about another mile to the ruins of Rattlesnake Lodge.

Dr. Chase Ambler of Asheville built the lodge as a summer home in the early 20th century.  The lodge burned down in the 1920s and now only the foundation remains.

We got some pictures and then started making our way back.  Near the start, we spotted a tree growing over a small cave.

Peeping in here, there was a geocache and small box with a signature log to document we found it.  It was just another 10 minutes back to the car and then we made the drive home.

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