Sunday, February 14, 2021

Green River Waterfalls on Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day, we headed to Green River Game Land to meet up for an adventure with Team Waterfall.  We met up with everybody at 830 at a pull-off on Green River Cove Road.  An overgrown road led upstream along an unnamed tributary that flows down from Pace Cliffs.  We soon came to the lower waterfall on this tributary, sometimes called Pace Yourself Creek.

It was a real nice waterfall in high water conditions, about 15 feet high.

Continuing up this little creek, there were some nice cascades just a little further up.

From here, headed west towards the next drainage.  There was some semblance of an old road most of the way, but lots of downed trees over it.  The road passed by a huge boulder just before reaching the next creek.

As we reached the creek, we could see there was a nice waterfall, but it was very steep getting down to it.  We named this one Amanda Falls and it was very nice.

There were some nice cascades just above Amanda Falls.

And another 25-foot waterfall above that, I'm calling it Upper Amanda Falls.

The stream got pretty small above this point and we found a place to cross and continue up.  Eventually, we came out at a climber's trail and followed that back to Pace Cliffs.

The cliffs were beautiful but too wet to think about climbing.  At the end of the trail, we climbed down to the creek and then went upstream a short ways to Pace Yourself Falls.

The waterfall was very high and quite impressive, but it started to rain when we got here.

So we got some pictures and headed back.  We could mostly follow the creek downstream back to the cars.

After saying good-bye to our friends, we headed back to Asheville.  We were so tired, we just got take-out and ate it back at the hotel.

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