Sunday, February 28, 2021

Little River Falls

Sunday, we checked out and headed back for one more hike at South Mountains State Park.  We parked at the Hidden Cove Trailhead just past the visitor center.  The trail headed under the road bridge then paralleled the road above.

It dipped in and out of several coves along the way.

There was a very interesting tree along the trail.

At the end, we turned on Turkey Ridge Trail and followed this to Little River Trail.  After crossing a tributary of Little River on a bridge, we got off the trail and found a path that had a winter view of Little River Falls.

At this point, we bushwhacked down towards the base.  It was open at first, but then had to crawl through dense rhododendron to reach the creek.  A huge boulder blocked the view and the left side of the boulder was covered in rhododendron.  Wading around the right side, I was able to get a decent view of the falls.

It's a nice waterfall, but the top is always partially blocked by rhododendron.

After some pictures, we headed back up and continued on Little River Trail, which changed to Upper CCC Trail.  In about a half-mile, we turned right on Sawtooth Trail and descended to a crossing just above Little River Tributary Waterfall.

It was tricky crossing to get to the other side and climb down for a view.

Then we started making our way back.

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