Saturday, March 6, 2021

Spring along the Eno River

Saturday,  we took Alex to Eno River State Park for a hike on the Mountains-to-Sea Trail.  We parked at Pump Station along Rivermont Road for hike 21 for the #mst40hike from Cabe Lands to Pump Station.  This would be Alex's 10th hike for the challenge.

We made a quick stop at Pump Station then started hiking west.  After crossing under Cole Mill Road, I spotted some mill stones just off the trail.

There was still a good amount of water and one little tributary had a nice little drop.

At the old chimney above Bobbitt Hole, we stopped and had a snack.

Just past here we saw a big patch of daffodils blooming.

There were also some trout lilies starting to flower, one of the first signs of spring.

At Cabe Lands Trail, we turned right and went down to the river.

In the winter, Cabe Mill was easily visible from the trail.

We went as far as the quarry.

We made the loop around the quarry and then headed back.

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