Sunday, June 14, 2020

Twin Boulder Falls

Sunday morning, we broke camp and headed to the Davidson River area of Pisgah National Forest.  We parked at the trailhead for Daniel Ridge Loop and the parking was already nearly full.  On our last visit, the water level was too high to cross Right Fork, but today we were determined to get Twin Boulder Falls.  We hiked across the bridge and went left to start the Daniel Ridge Loop.  There were some wild roses blooming in the woods.

We hiked quickly but stopped to see a nice waterfall on Davidson River.

At Farlow Gap Trail, we turned left and were able to successfully cross Right Fork.  The water level was high but it was possible to cross this time.  At the third switchback, we got off the trail and followed a faint path upstream along Right Fork.  Shortly, we had to cross the creek above a scenic little waterfall.

After that, we crossed Lanning Branch and then headed up to continue up Right Fork.  It was about half a mile before the path descended to the creek.  The twin boulders were just upstream, but couldn't really see the waterfall from here.

We bushwhacked up the river right side and found a rock that made a great viewpoint for the waterfall.

It's a pretty impressive waterfall and the water level was high enough that it looked really good.

After some pictures, we headed back.  To make a loop, we went left on Daniel Ridge Loop Trail.  Where the trail intersected FR-5046, we made a short detour to see Upper Toms Spring Falls.

Then we returned to Daniel Ridge Loop Trail.

At the end, we made a quick stop at Toms Spring Falls.

It was a short walk back on the road from here to the trailhead.

Driving home, we stopped at Las Salsas for dinner for some delicious fajitas.  We hadn't been here in a while and it was just as good as I remembered.

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