Sunday, July 2, 2023

MST Hike to the Plott Balsams

Sunday, I had breakfast and made the short drive to Soco Gap on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Despite the name, there is absolutely no overlook here, but it does provide access to the Mountains-to-Sea Trail, which I took eastbound.  Some fly poison was flowering along the trail.

The trail headed up parallel to the parkway but was mostly gradual.

It was a little late for wildflowers, but some fire pink were still blooming.

In about 2 miles, I crossed over Howard's Bridge across a small tributary.

There was one spot to stop and take a break with a nice view.  The overlook was boxed in by trees on the side but a nice long range view.

Soon, the trail reached Waterrock Knob and I took the trail to head up to the top.  On our last visit, it was fogged in, but today there were great views.

I had a snack up here and then started heading back.

At the visitor center, I walked down the spur road to View Browning Knob.  The plane crash was on this mountain, but had recently been removed by the park service.

Crossing the parkway, I picked up an unofficial trail that headed up Yellow Face, another 6000-foot peak in the Plott Balsams.

I made it to the top, but there was no view up here, so I turned around and started heading back.

Where the MST split from Waterrock Knob Trail to head back down the mountain, there was a nice overlook and stopped to enjoy the view.

I saw some mountain woodsorrel along the trail.

I continued past Soco Gap on the MST another mile or so.  There was some Indian pipe along the trail.

The trail eventually runs along gravel roads, so I turned around after a while and headed back to the car.

I went back to Maggie Valley and had dinner at Legends, right next to the hotel.

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