Sunday, January 29, 2023

Holly Shelter MST Hike

Sunday morning, I woke up before Sandy and Alex and went for a short hike in Carolina Beach State Park.  Hiking along Snow's Cut, there was a beautiful view of sunrise.

At the end of the trail, I took the greenway back towards the park entrance and crossed the street to get on the Fitness Trail, a short one mile loop.

After completing, the loop, I headed back and we broke camp.

We got donuts for breakfast at Wake N Bake and drove through Wilmington to get on I-40.  We drove a short ways and got off to park at the wildlife depot at Holly Shelter Game Land.  The Mountains-to-Sea Trail follows old roads through the area.

We hiked about 3 miles down Lodge Road to New Road, where the MST turned and turned around here.

Although the area is home to alligators, it was a little cold and we didn't see any in the canals.

There were a number of little songbirds in the open areas.

We saw a number of robins and a little tufted titmouse.

We finished the hike up back at the parking area and drove the rest of the way home.

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