Monday, January 2, 2023

Old Fort Gateway Trails

Monday morning, I had breakfast then checked out of the hotel and started driving home.  In Old Fort, I stopped at the Gateway Trailhead for a hike on the new trails.

I hiked up FR-4030 (Jarrett Creek Road) for a short ways and then turned on Salt Gap Trail.

This short but steep trail led up to Salt Gap.  Here I got on Rostan Trail through Camp Grier.

The trail is on private property, but they are nice enough to allow public access in the off-season when camp is not in session.  It ran for about 4 miles through the camp and up to the Fonta Flora Trail at Copper Ridge.  I turned around here.  Back to the National Forest, I did a loop on Oak Hollow Trail.

Then I took Jarrett Creek Road back to the trailhead.

It was about 3 hours to drive home to Raleigh from here.

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