Sunday, October 9, 2022

Mount Pisgah Hike

Sunday morning, we had a nice breakfast at the hotel and then checked out.  We drove back up to the Blue Ridge Parkway and stopped at the trailhead for Mount Pisgah.  The trail was only 1.5 miles to the top and moderate with a few steep sections, mainly near the end.

There were some showy gentians flowering along the trail.

Soon we made it to the top where a small wooden overlook to take a break.

It was cloudy right when we arrived, but they quickly burned off.  We spent about 20 minutes up here enjoying the view.

Back down at the parking area, there was a great view of the mountain once the clouds had cleared.

We got some pictures and then took off.

Driving back towards Asheville, we made a couple stops along the way.  First we stopped at View Stony Bald with a distant view of Mount Pisgah.

Then we stopped at Bad Fork Valley Overlook.

The fall color along the parkway was really beautiful here.

Then we drove the rest of the way to Asheville and started making our way home.  In Old Fort, we stopped at Hillman for beer and lunch.

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