Saturday, October 29, 2022

Blue Ridge Parkway MST Hikes

Saturday, we took Alex back out to the mountains for a day trip for him to complete the #mst40hike challenge.  We left very early and arrived to the Blue Ridge Parkway before sunrise.  Arriving at E. B. Jeffress Park right around first light, it was too cloudy for much of a sunrise.  But the view from the overlook was nice.

We first got on the Cascades Trail and headed to Cascade Falls.

The first overlook was at the top of the falls and the second was further down.

The water level was low, but it was scenic there was a splash of fall color.  Heading back up, we got on the Mountains-to-Sea Trail for Alex to complete the Blue Ridge Escarpment hike.

Although the trail was mostly forested, we got the occasional glimpse through breaks in the trees.

The trail crossed the parkway and continued following it northbound.

We passed through an open meadow at Phillips Gap and then back in the woods.  At the next meadow, there were some milkweed follicles that had popped open to reveal the seeds.

We headed back in the woods for about another a mile.

The trail popped back out on the parkway at Benge Gap, our turnaround point.

 Sandy waited with Alex while I ran back to get the car.

After picking them back up, we made a quick stop at View Betseys Rock Falls.  With the leaves still on the trees, it was difficult to see much of Betseys Rock Falls.

But the view from the overlook was great, even if we couldn't really see the waterfall.

Our next stop was at Basin Cove Overlook in Doughton Park.  We first stopped for a couple pictures from the overlook.

Then we got on the MST heading eastbound.  In about 1.5 miles, we came to View Bluff Mountain overlook.

This spot had some really fantastic fall foliage views.

Continuing on the trail, we could soon see Bluff Mountain.

The trail came out at Alligator Back Overlook, just before climbing up.

With some switchbacks, it wasn't too steep and we took another snack break near the top to enjoy the views.

From this point, the trail headed down to the picnic area through a beautiful open area.

The trail then climbed up a small hill with a lone tree at the top.  I love that tree.

We saw a few banded woolly bears in the grass.

After passing the inn, we came to the turnaround point at the visitor center.  Sandy and Alex waited while I ran back to get the car.

We made one last stop along the parkway at Stone Mountain Overlook.

Nice views from here and the fall foliage was beautiful at the overlook.

After some pictures, we headed to Elkin for dinner at Angry Troll and then made the drive home.

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