Monday, September 5, 2022

More Rain in Mills River

Monday morning we woke up to more rain and everything was wet.  After breaking camp, we drove up Wash Creek Road (FR-5000) and parked at Wash Creek Horse Camp.  We were planning to hike North Mills River Trail, but the river was way too high for the numerous crossings.  So we did a short hike on Bear Branch Trail (#328).

For a few moments, it lightened up but then the rain started again.  We hiked back down FR-5001 to make a loop and then took off.

Driving east, we didn't escape the rain until past Greensboro.  Since it was still pretty early, we made a short stop at Johnston Mill Nature Preserve.  We took Robin's Trail to Old Field Bluff Trail and then got on Aphid Alley.

The trail ended back at Old Field Bluff Trail and we followed it through the powerline clearing.  There were a lot of beautiful purple passionflower blooming.

There was some thistle blooming as well.

We then took Bluebird Trail to continue through the clearing back to Robin's Trail.

A left turn along New Hope Creek led back to the car.

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