Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Olympic Coast

Wednesday, we had breakfast at the In Place and then drove to La Push Road and parked at Third Beach Trailhead in Olympic National Park.  Third Beach Trail was just over a mile through the forest to the beach.

It was a little steep on the final descent and we had to climb over some beach logs.  There was some goldenrod flowering here.

Once we got over the logs, we made it to the beautiful Third Beach.

In the distance we could see the sea stacks.

It was such a beautiful beach and with cloudy weather, there was hardly anyone else here.

Heading down the beach, we could see Third Beach Falls in the distance.

The water level was low, but it was still a fantastic waterfall, dropping directly into the Pacific Ocean.  And it was my 1000th waterfall.

The tide was coming in, but we were still able to check out some of the tidepool life.

There were a few ochre sea stars, but a lot of colorful anemones.

Aggregating anemones were various shades of pink and green while the giant green anemones were green or yellow.

After enjoying the tidepools for a bit, we had to use ropes to climb up Taylor Point Trail.  Once up, the trail leveled off and there were some nice views from above.

The trail ran for about a mile then started to descend just as steeply.

We came out on an unnamed beach that was absolutely beautiful.  The tide wasn't too high yet, so we could walk around the rocky outcrop next to the surf.

There was a cool cave and we had lunch in here.

We continued on a little further down, but with the water rising, we couldn't go too far.

We enjoyed the views and starting making our way back.

Some fingered limpets were on the rocks here.

As we were walking back, a mule deer ran across the beach.

Back at Taylor Point Trail, the tide had come in and we couldn't go back around on the rocks.  This time, we had to climb up over the rocky outcrop with more fixed ropes.

Up at the top, was a fuzzy little caterpillar.

On the hike back, we stopped to peek out near the top of Third Beach Falls.  It was near high tide, so there wasn't much beach left.

Back on Third Beach, we had to scramble over a downed tree where there was no beach left, but made it back dry.

Once back at the car, we drove to Beaver Falls.  A short path led behind the guard rail and down to the creek at the falls.

The water level was low so water was only flowing down the river-right side, but I thought it was beautiful nonetheless.

After some pictures, we headed into town and got dinner at Blakeslees.

In the evening, we headed back to the coast for sunset.  We parked at Rialto Beach and made our way down to the sand.

The beach was really beautiful in the last light of the sun.

And lots of gorgeous sea stacks out in the water.

This beach had a lot of pebbles and small rocks.  As the waves crashed on the beach, the pebbles generated a beautiful sound as they rolled into each other.

After it got dark, we headed back to the hotel and started getting packed up.

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