Monday, July 4, 2022

Independence Day at Sam Branch

Monday morning, we checked out of the hotel and starting heading east.  In Waynesville, we took NC-215 south and parked in a hairpin turn just after Sunburst Falls.  After getting our stuff together, we scrambled up a steep path and followed an old logging grade to Lower Sam Branch Falls.

We crossed at the base of the upper section and got ready to climb further up.

Since we were across, we made a quick stop to see Wash Hollow Falls.

Early in the morning, no one else was here so we could get a couple pictures.

Then we started the steep climb up next to Lower Sam Branch Falls.  A path led up along the waterfall and then turned to the left to climb away from the creek towards Victory Wall.  We got off the trail here and went down to the creek, coming out near this small waterfall.

From here on, the trail was the creek and we had to rock-hop, scramble and wade up the creek.  The only time we got out was to buchwhack around the many small waterfalls.

For a creek walk, it wasn't too bad and the bushwhacking parts were short.

The creek itself is absolutely beautiful was countless waterfalls and little cascades.

Turning around, the view looking away from the creek was beautiful as well.  I bet it's stunning in fall foliage.

The very last bushwhack, we had to get out on river right side to get around one last cascade and then came to the base of Sam Branch Falls.

We had a snack and waited for a cloud for some pictures of the waterfall.

It's a beauty but much of the appeal is the really fun hike to reach out.  After some pictures, we headed back down.  We were able to skip one bushwhack section by staying in the creek.  Back at the bottom, we stopped at the base of Lower Sam Branch Falls.

It had been a while since we visited and much of the logs and downfall at the base had been cleared out by floods I suppose.

Then we hiked back to the car.

From here, we started making our way home on the Blue Ridge Parkway and made a quick stop at East Fork Overlook.

Yellowstone Falls was just barely visible through the foliage far below.

More rosebay rhododendron were blooming near the overlook.  I like them much better when I don't have to bushwhack through them.

There was also a lot of phlox flowering.

After some pictures, we continued on our way home.

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