Sunday, February 20, 2022

Down East MST Hike

Sunday we woke up to a chilly morning and warmed up in the car.  After breakfast, we headed east on US-70 to the Davis Shore Provisions General Store to park so Alex could hike the next hike for #mst40hike in Down East North Carolina.

The Mountains-to-Sea Trail followed US-70 through the area and this hike was between Williston and Davis.

Hiking westbound for about a mile, we passed an area with large number of tundra swans where the highway crossed Smyrna Creek.

A little further we spotted a turtle in the wetlands.  He might have been a snapper but I couldn't get a good look at his head.

The trail continued into the small community of Williston and crossed Williston Creek on another bridge.

Right across the bridge was the Methodist Church and our turnaround point.

On the way back, we stopped at North River Wetlands Preserve.  We first hiked down Heron Drive, but it was closed after a short ways.

So instead we hiked along Ward Creek Avenue, passing by some old farm structures.

After a mile or so, we passed by a scenic little pond.

After hiking a little further, we turned around and headed back.

From here, we headed into Beaufort for dinner at Front Street Grill.  The outdoor seating had a nice waterfront view and it was very dog friendly.  Alex made a few new friends while we ate.  Then we headed back to camp for the evening.  We followed a path from our site down to the water at sunset.

There was a really cool gnarled tree down by the shore.

Then we made another big fire to stay warm, though it wasn't as cold as the night before.

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