Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Berkshire Waterfalls

Tuesday, we had breakfast and headed into Savoy Mountain State Forest to the trailhead for Tannery Falls.  Near the parking area, there were several nice cascades on Ross Brook that formed a little gorge.

The main trail led down to the top of Tannery Falls and then down a set of stairs.  Near the bottom, we could see Parker Brook Falls.

Although overshadowed by the larger waterfall on the next stream over, Parker Brook Falls was really beautiful.  The water tumbled down between angled rocks with more cascades below.

It was just another hundred feet or so to the base of Tannery Falls.

It was a really nice waterfall and we took a little break by the pool at the base.

Massachusetts does have some nice waterfalls.  After a break, we made the short hike back up to the parking area. 

From here, we drove south to the Connecticut state line and parked at Campbell Falls State Park Reserve.  Although the waterfall is in Massachusetts, the park is in Connecticut.  We hiked along the short trail through a beautiful forest across the state line.

The trail headed down to creek level at the base of the beautiful Campbell Falls.

It was a really scenic 50-foot waterfall.

I climbed up the side for some pictures of the main drop.

We also hiked over to Ginger Creek to see some cool cliffs.

Then we hiked back out.

Our next stop was the Race Brook Trailhead in Mount Everett State Reservation.  This trail led up to the Appalachian Trail and there are several waterfalls along Race Brook.  We took the Race Brook Trail from the parking area and went left at the split.  After crossing the creek, we got off the trail a little further up and followed a side path that led to the base of Lower Race Brook Falls.

The trail was pretty rough and Alex was struggling a bit.  We decided not to go further up.  The lower falls is the highest one on the creek anyway.

We sat at the base and had a late lunch, enjoying the view.  Sandy spotted a green frog among the rocks near the base of the pool.

A cool purple mushroom, an amethyst deceiver I think, was popping out.

After a break, he headed back.

We had one more stop before leaving Massachusetts at Bash Bish Falls State Park.  A short trail from the parking area led down to Bash Bish Falls.

To prevent people from swimming, they had placed highway barricades blocking access to the overlook, so the views weren't very good.

We didn't stay too long.

From here, we drove into New York and checked into Bavarian Manor Country Inn.  It was a really pretty hotel and dog friendly too!

Alex got a welcome bag with a chew toy and some treats!  For dinner, we went to Red Rooster in Cairo, which wasn't very good.  Then we returned to the hotel for the evening.

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