Tannery Falls (Savoy Mountain)

Tannery Falls is a beautiful 80-foot waterfall on Ross Brook in Berkshire County, Massachusetts.  Parker Brook Falls is a 60-foot waterfall on the next stream over.  The waterfalls are located in Savoy Mountain State Forest.

Hike Length: 0.4 miles
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Difficulty: Moderate
Location: Savoy Mountain State Forest
Trail Users: Hiking
Dogs: Must be on a leash
Features: Waterfalls (2)
Crowds: Moderate
Warnings: The rocks around waterfalls are very slippery.
Trailhead GPS: 42.62210,-73.00510
Waterfall GPS: 42.62346,-73.00356 (Parker Brook Falls), 42.62401, -73.00363 (Tannery Falls)


From North Adams, head east on MA-2 for about 12 miles and turn right on Black Brook Road.  Go 2.5 miles and turn right on gravel Tannery Road.  Follow this for 0.8 miles and turn right into a parking area for Tannery Falls.


Hike Description:

From the parking area, pick up the blue-blazed trail that follows Race Brook downstream past some nice cascades.

The trail passes the top of Tannery Falls and then heads down steps towards the base.  When you reach the base of the stairs, look to the right to see Parker Brook Falls, a cool waterfall flowing down through jagged angular rocks.

There are more cascades below the main drop.

Here's a video of Parker Brook Falls.

From here, follow the trail a hundred feet further to reach the base of the beautiful Tannery Falls.

Here's a video of Tannery Falls.

Blog Entries:

31-Aug-2021: Berkshire Waterfalls

External Links:

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