Sunday, July 25, 2021

Cavern Falls

Sunday morning, we woke up early and broke camp. After a quick breakfast, we drove to Wolf Mountain Road and parked at the access to Tanasee Creek Gorge in Nantahala National Forest.  A very overgrown old road followed the creek through the gorge.  At about 2 miles, we had to ford Tanasee Creek and then back over in another quarter mile or so.  It was fairly confusing around this point with multiple overgrown roads.  Eventually, we made it to the tributary with Cavern Falls and headed upstream.

The rhododendron were very thick right next to the creek, so we got a little away from the creek then headed back to Lower Cavern Falls.

There was a lot of downfall at the base, but otherwise a fairly nice waterfall.  It was just a little further upstream to Cavern Falls, which was really quite nice.

The bright sun made for poor photos but there was a nice little rainbow at the base.

We sat and had lunch here and enjoyed the view.

I went behind the falls and took a natural shower to cool off a bit.

Then we started making our way back to the car and headed home.

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