Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Hot Beach Day

Tuesday, I woke up before sunrise and headed down to the beach.  The moon was still visible in the twilight sky.

It was a very beautiful morning on the beach.

I walked north a ways and soon the sun popped up over the horizon.

I continued a little further past the fence as the sun continued rising.

I spotted some seabeach primrose flowering along the dunes.

I turned around shortly as I didn't have time for a long hike today.

But I wanted to enjoy one last early morning on the beach.

It was already hot by the time I got back to the beach house.  We went to breakfast with Sandy's dad and then went to the beach one more time to play in the water.  The ocean was refreshing but it was hot out of the water.  We then finished packing up and said good-bye then started driving home.  In Manteo, we stopped for lunch at Carolina Barbecue then drove the rest of the way.

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