Sunday, November 1, 2020

Slickrock and Sand Creek

Sunday morning, we woke up and had breakfast then headed on US-129 into Nantahala National Forest.  Just before the bridge over Calderwood Lake, we turned left on Ike Branch and parked on this short road.  Beyond the gate, it became Slickrock Creek Trail as it entered Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock Wilderness.  Initially, the trail led along a ridge above the lake.

In under a mile, the trail crossed Ike Branch and there were some small cascades on this little creek.

The creek loses a lot of elevation, but its too small to have a waterfall.  At the Slickrock Creek arm of the lake, the trail turned away from the lake and eventually dropped down to Slickrock Creek.  Above the lake, the creek was very rocky and wild and there were numerous scenic cascades.

This part of the trail, following close to the creek, was very scenic.

In just under three miles, the trail came to a crossing.  With the water level way up this weekend, it was a deep wade.

Across the creek, we were now in Cherokee National Forest in Tennessee.  It was just a short ways further on this side of the creek to Lower Falls.  Just before, there was a little waterfall on a tributary.

We then had to climb down from the trail and use a downed tree to get over to the base of the falls without getting our feet wet.

Lower Falls was really pretty in high water.  Although only about 15 feet high, it was very powerful.

We had a snack down here while enjoying the view then made the hike back.

Next, we headed towards the Cherohala Skyway but got on FR-81 to follow Santeetlah Creek upstream.  In about 6 miles, we parked just before the bridge over Sand Creek.  We hiked up FR-81E for a short ways until it switchbacked away from the creek and then followed a very overgrown path.  There was a collapsed bridge over a small tributary and then a more difficult crossing of Wolf Laurel Branch.

The path continued about another half mile and from here it was mostly a steep bushwhack up to the base of Sand Creek Falls.

A tall, sliding waterfall, I thought it was pretty impressive in high water, but there was a lot of clutter obstructing the view.

There also wasn't much of a spot to sit and relax so we got a couple pictures then headed back.  Before leaving the area, we made a quick stop on FR-81F.  With most of the leaves down, we could see the waterfalls on Cold Branch.  Since there wasn't much time, we only scrambled down to Lower Cold Branch Falls.

It was looking very nice in the high water.

But it was getting late, so after a couple pictures, we scrambled back up to the road.

From here, we headed back to Robbinsville for dinner and then went to bed.

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