Sunday, November 29, 2020

Neusiok Trail South

Sunday morning, I woke up just before sunrise and walked down to the river for a gorgeous view of the sun coming up over Newport River.

Sandy had to be at work in the evening, so we packed up camp right away and made the short drive just outside the campground to the southern trailhead for Neusiok Trail.  The trail ran along the marsh where Mill Creek drained into Newport River.

There were boardwalks over swampy parts, but some were a little sketchy to cross.

After crossing Mill Creek road, we soon came to Blackjack Lodge shelter.

There were some beautiful pine barrens gentians blooming here.

The trail continued for a ways through the piney woods.

We went as far as Alligator Tram Road (FR-124) and then turned back.

With an early start, we made it back to the car before 1130 and got home with plenty of time for Sandy to make it to work.

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