Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Caney Fork Waterfalls

Tuesday morning, we checked out of the hotel and started heading east.  Near Cullowhee, we headed into the Caney Fork area of Nantahala National Forest and drove to the end of Sugar Creek Road.  We hiked across the bridge and followed the road up to a creek crossing.  In high water, we had to wade and it was very cold.  The road continued up to a switchback where we followed a path up towards the Sugar Creek Falls.

The path came out at the base of the falls.

We could see Dryland Laurel Branch Falls from here, but the view was somewhat obscured.

I took off my boots again and waded Sugar Creek to get a better view.

Then we climbed up the river right side of Sugar Creek Falls to the top.  There were some nice cascades just above the waterfall.

Some old paths followed the creek upstream to the upper falls.  There were more nice cascades just below.

There were a lot of rhododendron here, but some flagging tape led through the thickets to the base of Upper Sugar Creek Falls.

I climbed up the side to view from up top.

We had a snack here and then started making our way back, managing to find a way to rock hop Sugar Creek and avoid the wade.

Our next stop was up Moses Creek Road at a switchback in FR-4651.  A path in the switchback led upstream along Moses Creek.  There were some nice cascades on the creek down below.

In about 0.6 miles, we had to wade the creek.  The trail then followed an old road high above the creek.  After a mile, we had to wade West Fork Moses Creek.  Right after crossing, a path to the left led upstream to the base of Moses Creek Falls.

The lighting was poor, but its a nice waterfall.  And it keeps continuing up the creek.

We headed back to the road and continued to a sharp switchback and went left to climb high above West Fork Moses Creek.  At the top was the uppermost section of the waterfall.

There was a lot of waterfall in between the upper and lower sections, but it would have been very difficult to get down, so we just started heading back.

Back at the car, we started making our way home.

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