Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Bears and Crabs

Tuesday after work, we headed to the beach to visit Sandy's family in Corolla.  We left Raleigh around 430 and headed east.  We were passing through Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge right before sunset so made a quick detour on the Wildlife Drive.  And sure enough, just a mile in and there were several cars pulled over.  We stopped to see a mother bear and her three cubs foraging just off the road.

They were mostly hidden in the bushes but the mama bear kept poking her head up to keep an eye on all the people taking photos.

The sunset view was really pretty here.

Then we continued on to the northern Outer Banks.  The in-law's beach house this year was in Corolla Light, very close to the beach.  After we got settled in, Sandy and I got our headlamps and went for a night walk on the beach.  There were a lot of ghost crabs scurrying around at the edge of the surf.

Most ran off when we got close, but a couple were preoccupied and we could get close enough to shine a light on them.  Several of them were eating mole crabs.

I'm not sure if they're scavenging for dead mole crabs or hunting live ones, but several of the ghost crabs were eating them.

It was a very dark and clear evening and we had great views of the stars above.  After a bit, we headed back and went to bed.

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