Friday, July 5, 2019

Grassy Creek Falls

Friday morning, we woke up early to catch one more Outer Banks sunrise before leaving.  A few other people had the same idea but we mostly had the beach to ourselves.

We hiked north a half-mile or so until the sun just poked above the horizon.

There was a nice spot to sit down and enjoy the beach while the sun rose.

We dipped our feet in the ocean, then headed back to pack up.  It was about four hours back to Raleigh to pick up Alex and then we headed to the mountains for some camping.  Our first stop was just off the Blue Ridge Parkway near Little Switzerland.  Grassy Creek Falls is on private property but the landowners are nice enough to allow public access.  Parking at the top of Grassy Creek Road, we hiked down the gravel road.  In about a half-mile, there was a signed turn onto a more overgrown road that was chained.  This road approached Grassy Creek and then followed it downstream to the falls.  It's a real nice waterfall with several sections.

We first climbed down to the base of the upper section, a nice veil.  Just a little further down the trail was another spot to climb down to view more of the waterfall.

It looked like I could have gone down even further, but it had started to rain, so we headed back.

The rain let up as we got back to the car and we took off on the parkway heading southbound.  We made a quick stop at Singecat Ridge Overlook to see clouds in the valley below.

Just past here, the on-and-off rain and made a beautiful rainbow down the escarpment.  We pulled off at Curtis Valley Overlook for a better view.

Then we continued to Mount Mitchell State Park, our home for the weekend.  Parking at the campground, we set up camp and then I went on a short hike up to the top.  Unfortunately, clouds had rolled in so not much of a sunset view.  I hiked back to camp and Sandy had built a fire.  Alex enjoyed the fire with us for a while, but once it got dark, he was ready for the tent.

Sandy and I enjoyed the fire for a bit longer and then went to bed as well.

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