Saturday, June 15, 2019

Raven Rock Hike

Sandy had Saturday off, so we took Alex to Raven Rock State Park for a day hike.  First, we stopped at the visitor center to get his passport stamped.

Then we started hiking the Campbell Creek Loop Trail.  The trail descends to the creek, crossing on a bridge.  We went right to hike the loop counterclockwise.  The trail follows the creek down to the confluence with Cape Fear River.

The river was way up today.  Continuing on, we took the Lanier Falls Trail to its namesake.  But high water prevented us from getting down to the falls.

We took a short break at a bench near the top.  I climbed down to see the river and falls, but there was a lot of foliage in the way.

After our break, we continued along the loop.  There was an interesting rock with water dripping down - too small a tributary for a waterfall, but scenic with the little overhang.

We finished up the loop back to the visitor center.  It was still early so we took the Raven Rock Loop Trail.  Fish Traps would be underwater so we didn't go down there.  Along the main loop, we took another break at the overlook at the top of Raven Rock.

The river was definitely high but we could see Northington Lock and Dams way upstream.  Shortly after the overlook, the stairs led down to the base of Raven Rock.  We found a cool spot under the rock to take a little break and have a snack.

Then we climbed back up the stairs.  Alex was getting a little hot, so we took a short detour on Little Creek Trail and let him get his feet wet.  Then we finished up our hike back at the car.

On the way home, we stopped at Aviator in Fuquay for a late lunch and drinks.

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