Monday, June 3, 2019

Charles River Reservation

I had to go up to Cambridge Massachusetts for work this week.  I flew up Sunday and stayed at the Royal Sonesta.  I work up early Monday morning, but didn't have to be to work for a while.  So I went for a hike along the Dr. Paul Dudley White Bike Path in the Charles River Reservation.  It's a really nice greenway trail along both sides of the Charles River.

The views of the river were really scenic.  And early morning sun was very pretty.

The entire trail is about a 17 mile loop, but that's a little long to hike.  Fortunately, there are a number of bridges that provide pedestrian access across the river to make a short loop.  At one spot, a number of large number of daisies were blooming.

I could see the white patches from all the way on the other side of the river.  There were also a lot of Canada geese and their goslings.

The weather was very nice, a lot cooler than back in Raleigh.  I went for another walk after work and enjoyed the New England weather.  There were a lot of birds in and along the river.  Besides the geese, I saw ducks, gulls, cormorants and even a night heron.

It was nice to able to be able to walk everywhere for a few days.

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