Sunday, February 19, 2023

Wilson Creek Waterfalls

Sunday, we got breakfast in Morganton then headed into the Wilson Creek area up Brown Mountain Beach Road.  In about 3 miles, we pulled off at Ten Foot Falls, a small waterfall on Wilson Creek.

We scrambled down directly across from parking and could see a tributary waterfall.  For a better view, we hiked up the road a short ways past some boulders and then scrambled back down.

With high water and no foliage, this little waterfall was looking pretty nice.

Ten Foot Falls is a small waterfall, more of a rapid, really.  But it made a really nice scene this morning.

Then we continued a little further up the road to where it crosses Harper Creek and parked.  Phillips Branch Trail (#252) started across the bridge.  After about a half-mile, we had a nice winter view of Phillips Branch Falls.

Just past this spot, a steep scramble path led down to the base.  We couldn't see the upper part of falls from down here though.

After some pictures, we headed back.  Our next stop was just up the road at Harper Creek Trailhead.  It was about 1.5 miles to Harper Creek Falls.

There was some common apple moss growing from rocks near the top of the falls.

I was going to go down to the middle section of the falls, but the rock was very wet and slippery from spray, so I opted not too.  I did climb down to the base of the falls.

The water level was high so I didn't wade.  Then we made the hike back.  Sandy spotted some amphibian eggs in a puddle near the trailhead.

From here, we drove up to NC-90 in Mortimer and parked at the picnic area since the campground was closed for the season.  After walking through the campground, we picked up Thorps Creek Trail (#279) to follow the creek upstream.

It was less than a quarter-mile to Thorps Creek Falls.

The waterfall looked nice in high water, but the lighting was poor.

We waited for a while for a cloud, but one never came, so we headed back.

We still had a few more waterfalls in the area, so continued on NC-90 to Anthony Creek Road.  Right before the road crossed Woodruff Branch, we pulled off to see the roadside Woodruff Branch Falls.

A short path on river left led up to the main drop and I climbed down a bit for another view.

Down from the road, there was a nice cascade on Anthony Creek and what looked like a great swimhole if the water was warmed.

We continued another mile or so up the road to Walker Hollow Falls.

It's another little roadside waterfall though rhododendron was blocking the view.

We got a couple pictures and headed back towards Morganton and went to Fonta Flora Brewery for dinner.  After dinner, we headed back to Lake James State Park and stopped near the swim beach for a nice view of the lake.

Back at camp, right around sunset, I went down from our campsite and found a cute little beach.  It was looking the wrong way for sunset, but the sky was really pretty.

We built another big campfire to stay warm and enjoyed the cool night.

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