Friday, January 29, 2021

Cape Hatteras MST Hike

Friday, we took Alex to the beach for a long weekend of camping.  We left very early in the morning in order to get to the coast close to sunrise.  Just after the sun rose, we turned onto the Wildlife Drive at Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge.  We drove a ways down Milltail Road but had no luck spotting a bear.  We turned around a started heading back and spotted something moving in the canal.  It was three adorable river otters!

They were frolicking and playing in the icy water in the canal.

One of them caught a fish and ate it.

Since the road ran parallel to the canal, we could slowly drive along and follow them down.

They were really enjoyable to watch - difficult to photograph, but easier to video.  From here, we headed to the Outer Banks and drove south into Cape Hatteras National Seashore and parked at the lighthouse.

From here, the plan was to take Alex for hike #38 from the #MST40hike, following the Mountains-to-Sea Trail from the lighthouse to Frisco Campground.

The MST followed Lighthouse Road to the British Cemetery.  British sailors who helped defend the US coast from German submarines were buried here.

From here, MST followed Open Ponds Trail through a beautiful maritime forest.

In just over a mile, we passed by scenic pond nestled between the dunes.

Further on, the trail passed through some sandy areas where intersecting trails from Buxton Woods joined.

The last half mile or so was an old service road that ended at the campground.

We turned around at the campground and hiked back.  Since we hadn't made it to the beach, we made a short stop the original location of the lighthouse to see the ocean.

It was cold and windy and the surf was really strong.

A few brave souls were surfing in these crazy conditions.  But not us, we got some pictures and headed back to the car.

Leaving the lighthouse, there was a pull-off on Lighthouse Road at a pond with a number of ducks and other birds.

We stopped here for a couple quick pictures of the birds.

The redhead drakes were really stunning in their breeding plumage.

Then we headed north, stopping in Avon at Froggy Dog for dinner.  Then we headed to Oregon Inlet Campground and set up camp.  It was very windy but a pretty sunset.

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