Saturday, August 1, 2020

Twin Falls

Saturday morning, we had breakfast and headed to Twin Falls Resort State Park.  Our first stop was at the Falls Trailhead on the western side of the park.  A paved path led a quarter mile to Marsh Fork Falls.

I scrambled down to the base, but the view from the trail was good as well.

After this point, the trail changed to natural surface and formed a loop.  We went right and passed by the ruins of an old building, probably a mill.

Where the trail turned left, we went straight on an old road that headed down to the confluence of Marsh Fork and Black Fork to form Cabin Creek.

Back on the main trail, we soon came to Black Fork Falls, the other "twin".

The water tumbled over an overhang that was big enough to walk behind.

It was definitely the most impressive of the two.  We also went to the top of the waterfall; there were some scenic cascades above the main drop.

The view from the top of the waterfall was pretty nice.

After a break, we finished up the loop.  Our next stop was at the back of the campground at the trailhead for Cliffside Trail.  The trail started out following an old road and was level.  In a little over a mile, we came to a split for the loop portion and went right.  The trail became narrow and steep at this point and descended down to Canada Cliff.

There was a nice overlook of the Cabin Creek Gorge down below.

Continuing on the trail, there were some mushrooms growing among the dense rhododendron.

The next overlook was Buzzard Cliff.

This overlook was further down the gorge where Jackson Branch flowed in.

From here, the trail wasn't too bad with just one steep portion before finishing the loop.  I spotted some common self-heal blooming along the trail.

The old road made an easy hike back.  Before leaving the park, we made one more stop at the Pioneer Farm.

It's a fully functioning farm with several buildings and crops growing.

Some farm animals as well, including some donkeys.

The donkeys didn't seem too interested in people at first, but when they saw Alex they came over to the fence.

Everybody seemed friendly, so we let Alex approach the fence for a couple sniffs.  They all seemed to really like each other.  Then we headed back to the car.

Leaving Twin Falls, we headed back to camp and stopped at Weathered Ground Brewery for dinner and drinks.  They had a nice covered outdoor seating area so we could eat with Alex.  We both had a salad for dinner and chips & queso for an appetizer and it was very good.  Great beer too.  After dinner, we headed back to Camp Creek State Park and took a hike back down to Campbell Falls.  It was really crowded so we went a little further and found a scenic spot in the river to take a rest.  Sandy and Alex headed back to camp and I went for a hike up Turkey Loop Road.  In just over a mile, I turned on Blue Jay Ridge Trail and followed the ridge for a mile or so.  I spotted some type of bolete mushroom along the trail.

Eventually, it dropped steeply down and connected with Blue Jay Spur.  There was some American bellflower blooming in the evening light.

A left turn here led right back to our campsite.

Sandy had built a fire and we burned two bundles of wood.  It started raining heavily just before we went to bed.

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