Monday, August 31, 2020

Low Water at Starved Rock

Monday morning, we checked out of the hotel and headed to Starved Rock State Park right at opening.  Many of the trails were closed due to the recent derecho storms, but we could still access several canyons.  Parking near the visitor center, we first hiked up into French Canyon.

It was completely dry so we could walk right up into the canyon.

No waterfall today, but it was still a beautiful canyon.

From here, we headed up to the lodge and then hiked towards St. Louis Canyon.

This one is spring fed so there's always a little water, but very little today.

We hung out in the canyon for a while since we were the only ones here.

On the way back out, we saw a little thrush in the canyon.

We hiked back towards the lodge, then took Bluff Trail heading east.  Pontiac Canyon is always dry.

Right past here was the overlook for Wildcat Canyon.  Like the others, it was mostly dry.

We didn't both taking the many steps down into the canyon.  It was getting crowded, so we hiked back to the car and took off.

Our next stop was Buffalo Rock State Park on the other side of the river.  Right near the parking area was the bison pen.

There were two adults and a calf.

After some pictures of the bison, we headed down to the first overlook of the river.

River Bluff Trail headed west on a bluff high above the Illinois.  There were a couple spots along the trail with nice views.

I spotted a monarch butterfly along the trail.

There was another overlook of the river near the end of the trail.

Right past here was the catfish effigy mound.  Part of Effigy Tumuli, it was an art project to make earthen mounds similar to those constructed by Native Americans.

From ground level, it's hard to tell what they are, but a trail led up to the top with really nice views.

On the way back, we took Woodlands Trail that passed by the frog effigy mound.

We finished our hike up back at the car.

From here, we headed south towards Harrisburg in southern Illinois.  We were supposed to stay at Super 8, but they apparently changed their minds about allowing dogs so we stayed at the Economy Inn.

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