Sunday, November 10, 2019

Rock Slab Falls

Sunday morning, I had breakfast at the hotel and then got on the Blue Ridge Parkway heading south towards Cherokee.  The mountains were beautiful and I made a few stops.  First I stopped at Bunches Bald Overlook for a nice view.

Then I stopped at Big Witch Overlook.

The next stop was View Thomas Divide.

Finally, I stopped at View Ballhoot Scar.

At the south end of the parkway, I entered Great Smoky Mountains National Park at Occanaluftee.  There was a bull elk in the field so I stopped for some pictures.

There were also some wild turkeys here in the field as well.

I then drove up to Clingmans Dome to start my hike.  There were great views from the parking lot here.

I started off hiking down Forney Ridge Trail for just over a mile and turned right on Forney Creek Trail.  This trail was even steeper in its descent.  It headed towards its namesake then switchbacked towards a tributary.  It got pretty narrow in places.  At the tributary, the trail followed it down steeply towards the confluence with Forney Creek.  There was a scenic cascade just upstream of the crossing.

Rock Slab Falls was just downstream of the crossing and there was a campsite here.  There was also evidence of old logging operations in the area.  The view from the base was poor due to a big tree that fell across the middle.

Another path from the campsite led to the base of the upper cascade, just above the downed tree.  There was a better view of the upper drop from here.

There were some scenic drops just downstream of the falls as well.

After some pictures, I continued on the trail down to Steeltrap Creek.  There's a waterfall about a half-mile upstream but absolutely no trail.  I started to rock hop up the creek but it was so overgrown with rhododendron.  I was by myself and no one would ever find me out here if something happened, so I turned back.  It was a very steep climb back up Forney Creek Trail.  When I finally got back to Forney Ridge Trail, I turned right to go out to Andrews Bald.

There were really nice views from here and Fontana Lake was visible far down below.

Heading back, I took Clingmans Dome Bypass Trail up to the Appalachian Trail.  I went to the top of Mount Buckley but there was no view here.  There was one spot along the AT with a really nice view and I could see Gatlinburg.

Turning around and going northbound, I passed Clingmans Dome and went out Mount Love.  There were a few breaks in the trees but not much to see.  Turning back, I stopped at Clingmans Dome and climbed the tower.

It was super crowded but the views were fantastic.  Mount LeConte was towering to the north.

Then I headed back down to the parking lot and enjoyed one more view from way up high.

From here, I headed back towards Maggie Valley.

At Oconaluftee, I got back on the Blue Ridge Parkway and made a couple stops.  First, I stopped at View Raven Fork.

Then I caught the sun setting behind the mountains from Jenkins Ridge Overlook.

I made one more stop at Plott Balsam Overlook and saw the moon over the mountains.

After this, I finished the drive into Maggie Valley.  I had dinner at Legends Sports Bar and then headed back to the hotel and got ready to head home.

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