Monday, November 11, 2019

Fall Foliage at South Mountains

Monday morning, I had breakfast at the hotel and checked out.  I got on the road before sunrise and it was beautiful watching it driving through Asheville.  I got off the highway to go for a hike at South Mountains State Park.  At lower elevations, the fall color should still be good here.  I parked at the Jacob Fork parking and started off on the Little River Trail.  The trail climbed steeply right off the bat, but the pretty colors made a nice distraction.

I passed the intersection with Raven Rock and Turkey Ridge Trails and the Little River Campsite.

The trail then descended to cross a tributary of Little River.  Shortly past here was Little River Falls.  I bushwhacked around but could find no spot with an unobstructed view.  Rhododendrons blocked the entire thing from the base.  Half-way up the hill was an OK view.

Continuing on, I got on Upper CCC Trail and took this to Horseridge Trail.

There were some really nice views from along here.

At the intersection with Sawtooth Trail, I turned left.  I presume this trail is named for the constant up and down.  In about a half-mile was an overlook with fantastic views.

I stopped and had a snack here.  Continuing on, I passed Chestnut Knob Trail and the Sawtooth Campsites and then descended to the tributary of Little River.  There was a small sliding waterfall just below the crossing.

Right past the waterfall, the trail ended back at Upper CCC Trail.  Turning right, I got on Little River Trail and took it back to Raven Rock Trail and descended down to the road.

Across the road was River Trail.  This short trail followed Jacob Fork back to the parking area.

There were several scenic spots to get out in the river.  I finished the trail and then made the drive home.

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