Middle Prong Wilderness

Middle Prong Wilderness is a 7,900-acre Wilderness Area in Pisgah National Forest in Haywood County.  It is named for Middle Prong of West Fork Pigeon River, which flows through the wilderness with elevations ranging from 3,200 to 6,400 feet above sea level.  In the early 20th century, much of the area was extensively logged.  Old railroad beds make some of the trails through the wilderness.  Congress designated the wilderness in 1984 and today it contains several miles of trails, including the Mountains-to-Sea Trail through second-growth forest southeast of Richland Balsam.


Points of Interest:

There are a number of waterfalls in or adjacent to the wilderness.

Berry Branch Falls:

Berry Branch Falls is a small waterfall at the confluence with Little Beartrap Branch.

Big Beartrap Falls:

Big Beartrap Falls is a 75-foot waterfall on a tributary of Middle Prong.

Bubbling Spring Branch Lower Falls:

Lower Bubbling Spring Branch Falls is a small waterfall just outside the wilderness boundary.

Bubbling Spring Branch Upper Falls:

Upper Bubbling Spring Branch Falls is just upstream of the lower waterfall.

Buckeye Falls:

Buckeye Falls is a cascading waterfall in multiple sections on Buckeye Creek.

Laurie Falls:

Laurie Falls is a small waterfall on Middle Prong at the southern wilderness boundary.

Little Beartrap Falls:

Little Beartrap Falls is a waterfall in multiple sections on a tributary of Middle Prong just outside the wilderness.

Little Bird Falls:

Little Bird Falls is a small cascading waterfall on Green Greek.

Little Wildcat Falls:

Little Wildcat Falls is a roadside waterfall along NC-215 just outside the wilderness.

Middle Prong Falls:

Middle Prong Falls is a beautiful 40-foot waterfall on Middle Prong just outside the wilderness.

Mount Hardy Falls:

Mount Hardy Falls is a seasonal waterfall at the headwaters of West Fork Pigeon River.

Sunburst Falls:

Sunburst Falls is a roadside waterfall just outside the wilderness.  NC-215 runs directly over the waterfall.


Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis)

Blog Entries:

28-Oct-2018: Yellowstone Falls

04-Aug-2018: Flooded Falls

External Links:

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