Sunday, April 9, 2023

Comers Creek Falls

Sunday morning, we broke camp and had breakfast in Marion again, then headed to the Comers Creek Trailhead in Mount Rogers National Recreation Area.  The short trail led down to Appalachian Trail and we turned right to lead to Comers Creek Falls.

It's a small waterfall, about 15 feet, but was looking nice in the morning light.  It was a bright blue sky so any later in the day and it would have been too sunny.

There was a bridge across the creek below the falls, but it had washed out.

So we went the other way on Appalachian Trail.  We hiked about 2 miles and then turned back.

Taking Comers Creek Trail back up to the road, we stopped at a little clearing to enjoy the forest and rushing water before we had to leave.

Then we hiked back up to the car.

From here, we drove back into North Carolina and had lunch at Southern on Main in Elkin, then drove the rest of the way home.

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