Sunday, November 27, 2022

Color on the Millpond

Sunday, I woke up before sunrise and started breaking camp at Merchants Millpond.  It was supposed to rain and I wanted to get packed up before it started.  After finishing, I took the campground spur to the picnic area and got on Lassiter Trail.  A boardwalk crossed a scenic tributary of the millpond.

I was surprised there was still a good amount of fall color along the millpond.

I followed Lassiter Trail for a ways with a number of scenic views.

There was a new section of trail at the southern part of the loop with a spur that went out to a nice view of the millpond.

There was more nice fall color along here.

I continued on Lassiter Trail for a while until it split with the Fire Road.

I've never hiked the entire bike trail, so I stayed on this and hiked out to the parking area and around the loop.

It drizzled a bit, but never rained hard this morning.  When I finished up the loop, I headed back to the campground and took off.

Heading west, the rain picked up and was quite heavy at times, but lightened up again.  Just before Williamston, I stopped at the Kuralt Trailhead in Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge.  The short Kuralt Trail led through a bottomland forest towards the river.

Some hairy bracket shelf fungi were growing on a log.

The trail ended where it started getting swampy towards the river.

The area was very pretty and I had gotten lucky stopping during a break in the rain.

After some pictures, I made the short hike back.

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