Saturday, May 21, 2022

Neuse River MST Hike

Saturday, we took Alex to get another hike for #mst40hikes, this one local in Raleigh along the Neuse River Trail.

We parked at the Buffaloe Road Canoe Launch and started hiking south along the trail.  Soon we passed by Buffaloe Road Athletic Park.

The trail then crossed over to the other side of the river.  Since Milburnie Dam was removed, the river has restored to its natural state and many of the artificial wetlands upstream of the dam have dried out and grown over.

After about 2 miles, we crossed back over to the other side on the largest pedestrian suspension bridge in North Carolina.

It was about another 2 miles to Milburnie Park, the terminus of this hike.  I went a little further to see what became of the dam.  There was an overlook to the rapids on the river, now called Milburnie Falls.

From here, we made the hike back to the car as it was getting quite warm.

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