Sunday, January 30, 2022

Greensboro MST Hike

Sunday, we took Alex to complete another hike for #mst40hike at Greensboro Watershed Lakes.

We parked at the Church Street parking and started off on Laurel Bluffs Trail, which is also the Mountains-to-Sea Trail.  The snow had mostly melted in Raleigh, but there was still a good amount here in Greensboro.

There were very nice views of Lake Townsend along the way.

After maybe 2 miles, the trail began following Reedy Branch upstream of the lake proper through a floodplain area between the lakes.

Laurel Bluffs Trail ended at the Lake Brandt where we turned around.  Back at the trailhead, I also hiked the Crockett Trail, to finish up the last section of MST in the area.

Then we finished our hike back at the car.

From here, headed into downtown and stopped at Oden Brewery and got some drinks and lunch from the food truck.  There were no other dogs inside, so Alex wanted to sit outside where it was cold.  At least they had nice heaters.  After lunch, we headed home.

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