Sunday, November 14, 2021

Fall Color at Lake Brandt

Sunday, I headed to Greensboro for a hike at the Watershed Lakes to see some fall color in the Piedmont.  I left early and arrived at Lake Brandt Marina a little after 8.  First, I went down to the lake for a view.

Form here, I got on the Nat Greene Trail, which was also the Mountains-to-Sea Trail, and hiked along the shore.

Where the trail reached the Atlantic & Yadkin Greenway, I turned right and crossed the Weaver Bridge.

After crossing, I turned onto Owl's Roost Trail, which was also the MST.  The trail looped around a peninsula out in the lake.

It ended back at the greenway in Bur-Mil Park.  I went out on the fishing pier for a view of the color on the lake.

I took the greenway back through the park.

Back at Nat Greene Trail, I went the other way out to the trailhead at Old Battleground Road, then followed it back to the marina.

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