Saturday, September 4, 2021

Ricketts Glen

Saturday morning, we checked out early and headed to Ricketts Glen State Park.  Being a weekend, we wanted to get there early and avoid the crowds.  It wasn't too bad at the Lake Rose Trailhead arriving around 8.  We set off down the Falls Trail into Ganoga Glen and in less than half a mile, came to the first waterfall - Mohawk Falls.

Just a short ways further, we came to the top of Oneida Falls.

At 11 feet, it was one of the smaller waterfalls, but still very scenic.  We were fortunate to visit during high water conditions.

Cayuga Falls, the next waterfall, was just downstream. 

Another small but scenic waterfall where the creek split around a rock.

Just a short ways further, we came to the top of Ganoga Falls.

It's the highest in the park at 94 feet.  We found a scramble path to get down to the base.

Just a short ways downstream was Seneca Falls, a small but nice waterfall with Ganoga Falls visible in the background.

In another few hundred feet, we came to Delaware Falls.

This one is 37 feet, but its made up of a number of small drops.

With high water, it was very scenic and I spent some time scrambling around for pictures.

Next we came to a curve in the trail where an unnamed tributary flowed into the creek.  There was a nice waterfall, but too much downfall for a decent picture.

Mohican Falls was right below the confluence of the tributary.

This one also had two sections to the falls.

Conestoga Falls was next and this one isn't too impressive.

A little ways further was Tuscarora Falls and this one was quite nice.

At about a mile from the trailhead, we reached the 10th waterfall - Erie Falls.

We had to scramble to the base again for a good view.

From here, it was just a short ways to Waters Meet where the two branches of Kitchen Creek come together.

From here, we took the Falls Trail south following Kitchen Creek downstream and came to Harrison Wright Falls in a quarter mile.

It was just a short ways further to the beautiful Sheldon Reynolds Falls.

We scrambled down to the creek for a good view of this one.  I thought this one was really beautiful.

Just a short ways further was Murray Reynolds Falls.

It was a smaller waterfall but rather scenic.  The rock jutting out on river right prevented a good view from closer.

We had a snack here and then headed back to Waters Meet and headed up the East Branch.  Right away, we came to Wyandot Falls.

It's a small, but scenic waterfall and the trail crossed the creek above the waterfall.

Right above was B. Reynolds Falls.

We could walk behind this one and reach out and touch the falling water.

There were some nice cascades on the creek upstream.

Shortly, we came to R. B. Ricketts Falls.

It was a cool one with a second stream of flowing water.

There were more cascades above this one as well.

Next we came to Ozone Falls.

At 60 feet, it is the highest waterfall in Glen Leigh.

Th trail led right up along it with a view over the top.

The next waterfall was Huron Falls.

The lighting was starting to get poor, but I managed a few pictures.

Just above was Shawnee Falls.

It was just amazing how many waterfalls and how close they are all together.

Above Shawnee Falls was a short break, though the creek still had many small drops.

By the time we reached F. L. Ricketts Falls, the lighting was really bad and it was quite crowded.  We stopped for a snack, but it didn't look like a cloud would be coming.

There was a shortcut here, but we stayed on the main trail for the last waterfall - Onondaga Falls.

Just past here, we reached the intersection with Highland Trail and turned left to head back to the start.  About half way down the trail, we passed Midway Crevasse.

By the time we got back to the parking area, it was extremely crowded and a good time to leave.

From here, we left the park and drove down the gravel Sullivan Falls Road into State Game Lands Number 13.  Along the way, we spotted a roadside waterfall - Big Run Falls.

It was a pretty nice one for being roadside and I scrambled around for some pictures.

We then drove a little further to the parking area for Sullivan Falls.  A short path led to the falls, though it was quite steep at the end.

The waterfall was very scenic, but the lighting was terrible and there didn't appear to be any clouds.

So we climbed back up and took off.

Before leaving Pennsylvania, we made one more stop at the Evergreen Trailhead back in Ricketts Glen.  The short trail led to the top of Adams Falls almost immediately.

The trail continued to rock outcrop with a nice view of the falls, though the lighting was not ideal.

Continuing on, we crossed the creek to view the lowest drop.

The lowest drop wasn't visible from above and from down here we couldn't see the upper portion.

After some pictures, we continued on and hiked the short Evergreen Trail.

We finished up our hike and started driving south.

We stopped for dinner in Harrisburg at a taco food truck and then continued on to Thurmont, Maryland to spend the night at the Super 8.

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