Sunday, June 20, 2021

Moses Cone MST Hike

Sunday, we broke camp and then drove up to the Blue Ridge Parkway and followed it to Moses Cone Memorial Park for Alex to complete hike 10 for #MST40hikes - Cone Manor Carriage Trails.

We parked along Shulls Mill Road and followed the Mountains-to-Sea Trail up from the road.  There were some evening primrose with flowers starting to close up in the morning.

There was also a lot of fire pink.

The wildflowers were really nice in the section of the hike.

Spiderwort and penstemon were among some of the others we saw.

At the top, we crossed a stile and got on the Rich Mountain Road heading down.  It passed through the fields and descended gradually with some switchbacks.

At the bottom, we turned left to go around Trout Lake.

The trail then crossed Flannery Fork Road and went under the parkway.

We finished the hike at the carriage barn since the manor house was under construction.

The hike back was mostly uphill, but very gradual on the carriage trails.

Back at the car, we started making the drive home.

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