Monday, April 5, 2021

Upper Rio Grande Waterfalls

Monday morning, we checked out of the hotel and started driving east on US-160.  In about 15 miles, we pulled over at Treasure Falls Observation Site.  Treasure Falls was visible from the parking area.

The views from here were pretty nice.

There is a main trail and a primitive trail up to the falls.  To make a loop, we donned micro-spikes and headed up the primitive trail.  It was very steep and icy and would have been completely impossible without the spikes.  The trail ended at the Blowout Lookout and to a footbridge below the falls.

The waterfall was really impressive with all the snow.

The trail continues up to the Misty Deck right at the base of the main drop.

All the snow and ice at the base was really beautiful.

Taking the main trail down, we stopped for a quick break at Valley View Overlook.

The main trail was much easier and soon we made it back to the car.

From here, we continued east on US-160 and crossed the continental divide at Wolf Creek Pass and entered Rio Grande National Forest.  There was a pull off we stopped at on the other side of the divide with a nice view.

In South Fork, we got on CO-149 and headed west into the forest.  Just past Creede, we stopped at a pull-off with a view of a restored bentonite clay mine.

A little further down the road, we pulled off on the side to see a herd of bighorn sheep.

There were quite a few of them and they were right on the side of the road.

There were a few babies and the mother was keeping an eye on us.

After some pictures, we continued on.  We stopped again at the Highway 149 Interpretive Site for a nice view of the Upper Rio Grande Valley.

We made one last stop along 149 at an overlook past Silver Thread Campground looking towards Weminuche Wilderness.  We were up above 10,000 feet now and it was still looking like winter.

When we got to FR-510, it was gated and closed to vehicles, so we drove a little further to a parking area on FR-513 and parked here.  Then we hiked down FR-510 through a snowy wonderland.

It was about a half-mile to North Clear Creek Falls Observation site and an overlook for North Clear Creek Falls.

This massive waterfall tumbles 100 feet down through towering volcanic cliffs.

We walked along the overlook to view from difference angles.

The ice at the top of the waterfall was really beautiful.

After some pictures, we headed back to the car.  Heading back, we stopped at Silver Thread Campground.  It was snowed in, so we parked outside the gate and hiked to the back of the campground for the trailhead to South Clear Creek Falls Trail (#899).  The trail descended via switchbacks towards South Clear Creek.

Soon we made it to South Clear Creek Falls and hiked past the overlook to the snowy waterfall.

There was a huge mass of ice surrounding the middle of the falls.

It was cool to walk around and view the ice from different angles.

The icicles near the base of the waterfall were really fantastic.

Even the view from the overlook was nice.

After some pictures we headed back to the car.  Before leaving the area, we drove a short ways down County Road 10 and parked across from Brown Lakes State Wildlife Area.

We could see Rex Falls from here but it was very snowy and any trail was completely buried.  We followed some tracks, probably animal, to the tributary and followed it upstream to Rex Falls.

Another very snowy waterfall at high elevation.

The water flowed under another sheet of ice and was very scenic.

After some photos, we headed back to the car.

From here, we started heading out.  We stopped along CR-10 for another nice view of the Brown Lakes area.

Turning on CO-149 towards Creede, we stopped at another overlook.

Closer to Creede, we stopped again to another (or maybe the same) herd of bighorn sheep.  One had a magpie on her back.

In South Fork, we took US-160 east and stopped at Three Barrels Brewing in Del Norte for dinner.  After dinner we continued to Great Sand Dunes and checked into the lodge.  There was still an hour or so of daylight, so we headed into Great Sand Dunes National Park for a short hike.  Parking at Mosca Pass Trailhead, we started out on the combined Mosca Pass/Montville Nature Trail.  At the split, we continued up Mosca Pass Trail a short ways and passed some nice cliffs.

With limited daylight, we didn't go too far up the trail.  There were some prickly pears along the trail here.

We also spotted some hedgehog cactus.

Heading back down, we returned to Montville Nature Trail as the sun was fading behind the dunes.

There were some really beautiful views of the dunes and mountains from here.

We stopped a few times heading back down to watch as the sun set behind the dunes.

We finished our hike back up at the car right around sunset.

Leaving the park, we made one more stop for a beautiful view of dusk over the dunes.

Then we headed back to the room and retired for the evening.

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